Any kind of the increases insulin activity by up to 15 times.

Green Tea
Sereni-Tea, (n)the absence of stress while drinking tea. Green Color Splash Tea Photography. 
  • Green tea is full of antioxidants that may help prevent many forms of cancer, including breast, lungs and stomach.
  • Green tea may also help prevent arterial alogging and reduce the riks of stroke.
  • Green tea might also reduce neurological damage due to oxidation, which in turn prevents Alzheimer's Parkinson's.
  • Green tea can burn fat and improve cholesterol levels.

Black Tea
Mad Monk Teas: Brother of the Forest Yunnan High Elevation Organic Black Tea.
  • Black tea is lowest in monomeric catechins, which have been linked to cancer prevention.
  • Black tea may protect you from have a stroke or developing heart disease by helping blood vessels dilate correctly.
  • Black tea has been linked to preventing lung damage from smoking.

White Tea
10 Impressive Benefits of White Tea
  • White tea is unfermented and made from young buds and leaves. it offers the most powerful antioxidants of all the teas.
  • Oolong tea may prevent weight gain and promote weight loss.
  • Oolong tea may also help to prevent tooth decay.


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